Bentuk Sediaan Farmasi Pdf To Jpg

1 EKSIPIEN SEDIAAN Laboratorium Farmasetika Unsoed 1 2 KANDUNGAN SEDIAAN OBAT R/ Bahan obat (Zat aktif) Bahan tambahan (Eksipien) SAFE EFFECTIVE ACCEPTABLE BAHAN AKTIF BAHAN AKTIF EKSIPIEN 2 3 BAHAN BAKU: Semua bahan baik yang berkhasiat, maupun tidak berkhasiat, yang berubah maupun tidak berubah, yang digunakan dalam pengelolaan obat BAHAN AWAL: Semua bahan baku maupun bahan pengemas PRODUK ANTARA: Tiap bahan atau campuran bahan yang masih memerlukan satu atau lebih tahap pengolahan lebih lanjut untuk menjadi produk ruahan 3. 22 Coatings Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose Gelatin Most coated tablets are coated with hydroxypropylcellulose Capsules are coated with gelatin 25/03/ 23 Excipients For Solution/Suspension Products Again, excipients are sub-divided into various functional classifications, depending on the role that they play in the resultant formulation. Zbrush basics pdf. 25/03/ 24 Solvents/Co-Solvents Water is the solvent most widely used as a vehicle due to: Lack of toxicity, physiological compatibility, and good solubilising power (high dielectric constant), but Likely to cause instability of hydrolytically unstable drugs Good vehicle for microbial growth Sorbitol, dextrose, etc. Are often added as solubilisers, as well as base sweeteners Similar pros and cons to water alone Water-miscible co-solvents are used to: Enhance solubility, taste, anti-microbial effectiveness or stability Reduce dose volume (e.g.

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Oral, injections) Or, conversely, optimise insolubility (if taste of API is an issue) Examples: propylene glycol, glycerol, ethanol, low molecular weight PEGs Water-immiscible co-solvents, e.g.