Cat Software Yaesu Ft 736r Reviewsnap

Dec 23, 2016  Topic: CAT Cable and Rotor Controller for FT-736R (Read 5288 times) K4AMK. I found a cable on the UK site that is a 'Yaesu USB Programming / CAT Cable for Radios with 6-pin DIN Connector' which sounds perfect but one learns to be suspicious when it seems too easy. Has anyone tried this USB to Yaesu CAT cable with an FT-736R.

I recently bought an used Yaesu FT-736R VHF/UHF transceiver. The claim is the it comes with CAT interfacing. Is this true CAT interfacing, like what I have with the CI-V interface on my IC-910H?YES (sort of) and NO. The Yaesu FT-736R is a early to mid-1980s design, the Icom IC-910H is a late 1990s design. The Yaesu FT-847 is closer to the Icom IC-910 in design era (time frames). Yaesu provided a first-generation (limited) CAT interface for the FT-736R, which means: 1. It is NOT full featured as found on later radios, such as the FT-847 radio which replaced it.

Some functions for CAT software, such as Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD), do not work with FT-736R. Due to limited functionality, some software authors/writers do NOT support the FT-736R. There is a DIY solution, that has been developed (PIC processor) to ADD functionality, through emulation (FT-847). GO TO YouTube and view the solution developed 2 years ago for FT-736R to work with Ham Radio Deluxe. TinkTron zdz801 === Yaesu FT-736R with Ham Radio Deluxe by Dave, KA6BFB FT-847 Hardware Emulator for the Yaesu FT-736R by Chuck, N6BIL FT-847 Windows Emulator for the FT-736R and CAT Interfacing with 6-pin DIN on Yaesu FT-736R « Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 04:26:48 PM by W9GB » Logged. We've got a FT-736 at KE4ZXW, Virginia AIr and Space Center, that we have been using for satcom.

We want to use it with Ham Radio Deluxe on a Windows 10 computer with a USB port. Since the 736 only has a serial TTL port on it, I bought a Ham Spot that is suppose to emulate an FT-847 and does the conversion in the Ham Spot module. The instructions say the computer should recognize the HS736USB driver as a CDC RS232 Emulation Demo in the Device Manager's Com Port section. The computer never sees the this driver's information. I've tried to contact the makers of the Ham Spot with no replies! Hoping once I get the driver working, HRD will talk to the radio.

The concept for this Yaesu FT-736R interface was developed by Dave Dowler, KA6BFB in 2010. He developed a proof of concept in software using VB and Windows. This is a slight modification of the GPL v3 licensed interface designed by Chuck Jones, N6BIL.

ORIGINAL PROJECT PAGE, Hardware Emulator by N6BIL EASY EDA - PC Board == Microchip 18F550 Windows 10: Device Drivers; SHOW ALL HIDDEN (under View drop down) Look under USB and/or HID MicroChip forum (PIC mfg) on USB support Microchip 18F PIC; USB drivers for Windows 7 (circa 2012) « Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 05:24:28 AM by W9GB » Logged Pages: [ 1].

Just purchased a FT-736R and I love it, except for 2 problems, the CAT comes on by itself, and occassionally the radio will key up automatically. When the radio is on for a good length of time I will notice the CAT indicator is lit and I have no control of any functions except TX & RX on the frequency it's on. When the radio is in memory scan it doesn't seem to happen, but I can't be sure. I am wondering if there is a program in the CAT calling it on. I have done a master reset, before that the AQS would come on by itself, but that hasn't happened since.How can I see if the CAT is on or off.David W4DWR. Curious Do you have anything connected to the CAT interface on the back of the radio? I have owned my 736 since 1996 and never had mine come on by itself.

When I start the program I use to control the radio, the interface activates but when the program is closed the interface shuts off. If you have anything connected to the CAT interface remove it and see if you still have the problem. Station If the problem clears up build or buy another interface and try that. If nothing is connected, your CAT should not engage and there is nothing built into the radio calling it to come on.

If it is there may be something wrong with the radio. The CAT circuit should never activate by itself at any time especially if you have nothing connected to the CAT port. Thanks I have nothing connected to the back of the radio, when I first received the radio the AQS would come on and key up the radio after it was turned on for awhile usually over an hour. I did a master reset and that seems to have stopped. I noticed yesterday, the cat indicator came on and I just let it go because I was using the radio on that frequency anyway, after about 30 minutes it went off and was okay after that until I shut down for the night.