Crestron Simpl Windows Software

So I've just bought myself a Crestron MP200 off eBay to try and learn a bit of SIMPL Windows at home before I commit to getting some proper training but didn't realise I couldn't download it unless I'm already certified or at least done the Crestron 101. I'm desperate to see if I can do some simple configurations on the MP200.

Crestron SIMPL Windows INTERLOCK Symbol Tutorial. Crestron SIMPL Windows INTERLOCK Symbol Tutorial. Crestron SIMPL Windows INTERLOCK Symbol Tutorial. Crestron Videos. '‘Digital Life’ system includes Xanboo software, Z-Wave devices and professional security monitoring by AT’s own central station. Crestron® SIMPL Windows® software provides all the tools necessary to configure, program, test, and debug an integrated control system application. Combining drag-and-drop Windows® functionality with the programming power of SIMPL (Symbol Intensive Master Programming Language), SIMPL Windows provides the link between Crestron systems hardware, user interfaces, and the world of equipment to be controlled.

I completely understand Crestron's reasoning behind keeping it locked down so that in theory most people having a proper install done gets a reputable technician/programmer. However, where can I download a copy of SIMPL Windows to test!!? Hope you can help Reddit;) • • • • •. AV Install is pretty easy to get into, Field Engineering and Programming are the real learning curve. Installers come on all the time with no training at all, so long as you have a decent work ethic and can use a power drill without killing yourself, they will teach you what you need to know to pull cable, cut in speakers, hang TVs, etc.

For programming/field Engineering, get yourself into that P-101 class as soon as possible. It's 3 intense days of information overload but you'll leave with all the building blocks you need to accomplish almost anything your control system will need.


I programmed and deployed systems for over a year before taking the 201 class, once you get the idea it's mostly just a matter of practicing and trial and error. Personally I hired on as an Installer for about a year, then made a point to shadow anyone behind a laptop that didn't mind me asking what they're doing. Eventually I started carrying my personal laptop to work and picking up Field Engineering tasks as I could, and I told my boss that if there is a fast track to Programmer I want it and I'm willing to put the work in. So I spent a lot of long-ass days pulling cable for 10 hours, coming back to a hotel and studying all night til I fell asleep. A real pain in the ass at the time, but definitely worth it now.

I can't say this is a 'typical' way to come up exactly, but it worked really well for me and even when it's hard, I genuinely enjoyed both jobs. Install is sweaty but gratifying and straightforward, programming is easy desk work but it's complex and can be very frustrating/ stressful when deadlines are impending and you're the one in the hotseat. But at the end of the day I honestly love my job, and if you're interested in the industry I can't suggest it enough • • • • • • •.

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