Dreamcast Bios Zip Google Device

It was going to be used as an extended drive, meaning games like Quake 3 could use it to store additional maps that would be too large to fit on the Dreamcast's only other medium, the VMU. ZIP media comes in two sizes that I know of: 100MB and 250MB.

The former being a tenth the size of a GD-ROM disc. Plus, it's the convenience factor. You wouldn't want to go buy a GD-ROM disc every time new content came out.

Other comparable media out at the time (also produced by Iomega) were the Ditto and Jazz drives, each holding about 2GB of data. Ditto probably wouldn't have worked because it's a tape drive (a higher probability of failure), and between Jazz and ZIP, ZIP was probably the cheapest to mass produce even though Jazz would have been easier to integrate into the dev environment because of its SCSI compatibility.

One thing I would be interested in finding out is if the Quake team had access to ZIP drive documentation. Q3 was released the same year the ZIP drive was supposed to be released. Either they were told ahead of time the project was going to get canned, or the game supported it in the event the attachment was released. Also, to anyone interested in purchasing this, it's important to note the terminology used. In one of the replies, the seller says the device is functional 'electrically' and not 'electronically.'

The seller is probably using the terms interchangably, but 'electrically' could mean there's only power fed to the internal ZIP drive to operate it mechanically and the other components are only there to simulate a finished model. Other comparable media out at the time (also produced by Iomega) were the Ditto and Jazz drives, each holding about 2GB of data. Ditto probably wouldn't have worked because it's a tape drive (a higher probability of failure), and between Jazz and ZIP, ZIP was probably the cheapest to mass produce even though Jazz would have been easier to integrate into the dev environment because of its SCSI compatibility./quote] The Zip had an external SCSI version too on top of parallel, USB and IDE, I use to have one of them,. Man that drive drove me nuts while at University, you also had to push a little bit more everytime in the drive so it could be read. Manual codici well tech 40085 manual treadmill machine. Still have an Internal IDE model.for a museum. If I'm not mistaken, in order to get such thing you would need to hack the BIOS or implement some kind of boot mods. I believe that idea of adding a HDD is more related to home made apps.

Commercial games are designed to use the maple bus to store game data and would fail (plus the BIOS limited the storage to blocks of 256 KBs. Am I right?). And if we wanted to use a HDD to load commercial games via the serial bus, it would be too slow. I believe that one of the most interesting projects to use the serial port of Dreamcast is this one:.

Just the bios or does both the flash and bios go into dc.zip? Update: Well, Demul knows that the bios file is there, but now it won't 'find' the dc_flash or '1_004_01.bin' even after renaming it and adding it to dc.zip. I just want to play my Dreamcast. I'll be really happy, if anyone, ANYONE can help me. Sgsavvy New Member.