Eberspaecher D1lc Repair Manual

I have a D1LC Compact I read about a lock out on some of the models. I was wondering if I am not the original owner how can I tell the year on it? My model number seems to be: 25 1976 05 The other day the fuel pump was making a little louder noise then usual and the heater wasnt turning on. So I too the out side on the pump hose off and it was a little gooey so I drained the hose put new fuel and manually pumped it a little until I saw fresh fuel coming out. But its still not turning on.

D1LC D3LC D5LC Wiring connections cause many people problems when changing or maintaining their systems HYDRONIC D5S SC DIAGNOSTIC AND REPAIR MANUAL Eberspaecher - 2 Diagnostic Devices 4 MULTIPLE DIAGNOSTIC DEVICES ARE AVAILABLE AS OUTLINED BELOW This manual is designed to be used with the Hydronic D5 S and SC. Official service manual for the Eberspacher B1LC and D1LC compact heaters. Book marked chapters for easy navigation allowing you to identify exact repair service procedures in the quickest time possible.

When I turn it on I hear a fan come on and the fuel pump ticks then the fan speeds up for a little and turns off in a little. Then about 30secs later the same thing happens. Then it again will shut off and stay off. No heat comes out does that mean it is locked? I got the following information from somewhere.

'Only the Eberspacher D1LC and some early D1LC ' Compact' heaters produced between 1990-1998 have the 'lock out' in the event of 5 unsuccessful physical start attempts (each attempt means two automatic starts to give the 10 starts before 'lock out'). Should the heater start during these attempts then it cancels all previous non start fault codes. Five new attempts are now available the next time the heater is operated.

Oct 19, 2018  If they are wearing head-to-toe skate brand names, that’s excessive and almost always the sign of a poser. Real skaters like brand names and brand gear, but they don't wear brand name clothing every day, and they certainly don’t wear it from head-to-toe to prove their authenticity. It was ok, but i already skate good enough so i don't even need to see my answers, i know i'm the best. Skate What I mean is someone who wears skate clothing (only the hype stuff) and can’t skate is a skate poser. He is just like Mani Hatz, such a Skate Poser by Don’t be a Mani Hatz poser November 28, 2017. A poser skater is someone who has a skateboard, but never rides it. They make fun of beginners, when in reality, the beginners are better than them. Poser skaters are usually rich preps just skateboarding bacause the devil (avril lavigne) says its cool. They think their better than real skateboarders just cause they have a board.

However should the D1LC heater 'lock out' after these five unsuccessful physical start attempts then you can unlock the control unit manually but this will only allow one more physical attempt at starting the heater. Should it then fail again, we recommend that you seek the services of the recognised Eberspacher dealer. A visual indication is available to show the non start 'lock out' or when an operational malfunction has occurred. This is by means of a flashing diagnostic code signal which is sent from the control unit.

This signal is shown on the operating switch 'LED' and consists of a series of flashes with varying lengths over a period of 8 seconds. The flash code signal is repeated until the heater is switched off with the operating switch. The diagnostic flash code signals and one manual unlock attempt are obtained by switching on the heater and bridging between pin 4 and pin 6 on the operating switch. (round rheostat switch or square modulator)) or between Pin B9 and B11 on the electronic control unit.

Remove the bridge after 2 seconds. Wait a few seconds until the error code is shown on the LED in the operating switch. The flash code signal is deleted when the heater is switched off. It is therefore important to carefully check and note the flashing code signal that is shown before contacting an Eberspacher dealer to verify the diagnostic codes. Heaters after 1998 production and also the new Airtronic 2/4 do not have this 'lock out' system.' When mine suffers your symptoms it is invariably caused by too low input voltage, running the engine while the heater starts usually seems to work.

Your heater is not locked out. It is going through most of the start up process but simply falling at the last hurdle ( the actually firing up bit!!) The intially noisy pump could suggest lack of fuel ( the pump is running dry and thus noisy) Are you very sure that sufficient fuel is getting through? There is a test in the manual. Just get the heater to pump the two cycles that you say it is doing but into a measuring cup. The manual will tell you the amount. Also, as always make sure you have enough battery umphh to power the glow pin.


Come back if you still have probs. Your heater is not locked out. It is going through most of the start up process but simply falling at the last hurdle ( the actually firing up bit!!) The intially noisy pump could suggest lack of fuel ( the pump is running dry and thus noisy) Are you very sure that sufficient fuel is getting through? There is a test in the manual. Just get the heater to pump the two cycles that you say it is doing but into a measuring cup. The manual will tell you the amount.

Also, as always make sure you have enough battery umphh to power the glow pin. Come back if you still have probs. It's a good point regarding battery voltage, make sure your batteries are fully charged or at least showing 13v, the other possible easier way, is try to fire your Ebers with your engine(s) running. I find I have to wait around five mins to have any decent heat.

This is another example of what a very good working Eberspacher D1LC should run like. These are still very popular heaters and are well known for delivering more heat than the later D2's, even though they a slightly lower rated. The D2's have a high air volume throughput but in a smaller environment, such as a HGV cab or small motor home. The slightly higher kwh is not noticed. When buying one of these or any other diesel heater, you really need to know how it runs. So, ask your seller why it is for sale and does it smoke or pop at all?