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CELU is the official certificate for and from Argentina. The Certificate of Use of Language in Spanish or CELU is another internationally recognised proficiency test of Spanish as foreign language, offered by Argentina. The CELU exam is officially acknowledged by the and by the of Argentina. The examination is organized mainly by the. It can be taken by foreigners whose native language is not Spanish and who need to prove their level of proficiency of the language in Spanish speaking countries.

France: Paris. Home; Tarsus, Turkey; Chiang Mai, Thailand; Firenze, Italy; Freiburg Im Breisgau, Germany.

Validity This certificate is granted by the Interuniversity Consortium for the Teaching and Testing of Spanish as a Second and Foreign Language, integrated by more than two-thirds of the Argentine National Universities. At the international level, there are mutual recognition agreements among the Brazilian, Chinese and Italian governments. CELU certificates may be presented as proof of the level of proficiency in Spanish necessary to take a course in academic institutions or to work in private and public companies.

These examinations evaluate adequate use of the language; they do not assess the candidate’s teaching competence. Empire earth 2 gold free download full version. Thus, by no means do these examinations certify that candidates can teach Spanish as a second and foreign language.

The CELU certificate carries the candidate’s name, identity card number and nationality details, the date of the exam, the level achieved (Intermediate or Advanced) and a distinction among three assessment degrees in each level (Good, Very Good, Excellent). In the same certificate, a description of the two levels of language use and their equivalence to levels recognized in other countries is presented as well.

Intermediate Level Language users at the Intermediate level can speak and write in Spanish quite fluently and naturally, in simple family, working and social environments. Template belajar seo blogspot login online. They may lack accuracy when facing unknown situations or when having to express subtleties of meaning. They manage to communicate in working as well as academic contexts.

Intermediate Comparable to Levels CEFR B2 / ACTFL Advanced Low Advanced Level Language users at the Advanced level can speak and write in Spanish with ease and spontaneity in a wide range of social situations. They can use the language appropriately in working as well as academic contexts. Advanced Comparable to Levels CEFR C1 / ACTFL Superior For more information on CELU exams, check the official website.