How To Burn Sd Media Launcher Gamecube
SD Media Launcher is designed to play homebrew ROMs created for the GameCube™ console and in the *.DOL or *.BIN format. If a file is called “autoexec.dol” or “autoexec.bin” it will be automatically run by SD. Jul 17, 2017 - What you'll need: 1 Official Gamecube. How to Play Gamecube Backups NO MODCHIP OR SD MEDIA LAUNCHER.
Sorry for not combining the last 2 topics, but since they are unrelated I thought this might have been the right option. Okay, if I burnt a gamecube iso onto a mini cd/dvd would they work in a stock gamecube? And would it be safe for the memory cards to work off that or should I seperate the real saves from the fake?

I don't know of anyplaces near by to mod the system (not that I have the cash for that.) Just asking-this is turning out to be a great way to save money instead of buying rare games at amazingly high prices (legend of zelda collector's edition-$120 WITHOUT MANUAL WTF!) Any info on this would be appreciated. Click to expand.first of all don't bump your own thread wait for a reply, people do have lives and will answer you in their own time. Secondly (i don't know as i don't have one) but much like every console i've ever modded common sense would say no it will not run on stock thirdly why would you have any problems with the memory card it can't tell if its fake or not, once the game is running the console thinks its a real game. Look seeing as your too lazy to go to google and type something in i'll help you out. Just looks like you need a freeloader disc or action reply (with freeloader). Easy peasy and you will be able to order one of them anywhere go google it!!
Here is one in the uk http://www.modchip-store.co.uk/FREELOADER-PAL-p-1211.html. .your saying I can use my freeloader for burnt games? I apoligise for the bump-too used to the way I posted on other fourms (like gamespot-once your topic goes down 5 times it's only gonna get down farther and no one would reply). As for the memory card just because I heard that using jap saves with english ones might cause problems, and because I never used burnt games before I was just being cautious. I didn't google this because I've been trawling through it soo many times, I get no results, only becuase I don't know what terms to use (tried to look for a site with firmware for the GBAMP by asking 'where can I find firmware for game boy movie player device' I didn't get many results that were direct enough to bother).
It be rare for me to ask OTHER than question format but that's the way I do things and it's got me where I am so far. Finally, I got a freeloader as I just stated, and I do NOT live in the UK-I'll see if it might work with just a freeloader first-I know of a places that does up to date consoles but not past ones like cube or psx for that matter.and would like to avoid console mods. I was going to ask where I can get mini dvd's but I think I might try somewhere else-I don't buy anything online and there is no point asking here. I have a SD media Launcher. It's a card that fits into your memory card slot that has a slot inside of it for a SD Card.