
Everybody - Very sorry about the previous torrent from TruFire. It is corrupt and I tried everything in my bag of tricks I could think of to revive it. If anybody out there knows. Sep 19, 2007 - 2003-08-20 896 --a------ C: Program Files PTEditor17.msi 2003-08-20 06:05 41 --a------ C: Program Files Setup.Ini 2001-09-25.

Hi Firewrath and thanks for your help mate Well, actually I did what you are suggesting already but couldn't work for some reason. Now, I've got a portable copy that's working fine but not perfectly -->. These are the steps: 1. Original installation folder ( PTEditor.exe and I added WINDOWS Fonts powertab.ttf in there ) 2. I made a portable version using jauntePE:.

Require the application's executable to always be present. Require the portable registry and file system files to always be present. 'checked' Now this is the way the portable application's folder look like upon first launch -->. The question is, why isn't the font displaying the right way if it's being redirected after all? Tried a couple of apps and they seemed to fail. I believe that is probably due ti the inept operator ( me LoL!!!) is there any chance that someone in the know could knock up a good how to guide possibly with screenshots using an app we know works as a base point. I think that this guide should start right from scratch including upxing JPE and testing your app.


I have a whole list of little apps I would lke to try to get running if only I could be sure that I was doing it right. Anyways Great little app redlar I hope to be knocking out those portable apps soon. I should prolly make a brand-new post and all with links and so on, but im going to wait abit and see what redllars gonna do.

So yeah, on with it, i know, So, First you take the app you wanna make portable, lets go with uhh, ok, i know, you guys are going to be like: 'Wait a minute! Thats already portable or else it wouldnt be listed on the site, you moron!' And then.well, id say somethings and you would and itd all get removed by an admin, (i mean, really, have you Seen how mean Fluff gets? Plus, it even says its 'emergency use' kinda thing and not 100% portable, so Ha! ) so, lets skip that and just have you trust me, ok? Plus, OFV has an odd detail with JPE and i can get that out there for you guys, ^-^ Anyways, we have our program, we unzip the program and throw it somewhere on a USB stick.why? Code: [Registry] Use=1 Data=.

Download links are directly from our publisher sites. Links from Bittorrent,,,,,,, and other files hosting are not allowed. Alat musik tiup.

Registry OpenedFilesView_registry.reg [Filesystem] Use=0 [RegistryExclude] 1=HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet heres what i know about all this: [Registry] tells JPE 'this is where All the registry info is going to be, and where we look for that info' Use= is an on or off switch '0' is 'off' and '1' is 'on' when used under the registry/filesystem tags, and is set to '1' its telling it: 'Yes, we are going to redirect the registry/filesystem.' When its set to '0' its telling it: 'No. Your not allow to redirect the registry/filesystem.' [Filesystem] tells JPE 'this is where All the filesystem info is going to be, and where we look for that info' ok, and now for the odd one on the list, and WHY OFV wont work yet, [RegistryExclude] kinda explains itself, its saying 'Even if we are told to redirect the registry, ignore that and dont redirect the following registry keys.'

In this case: 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet' Which, for some reason, that i dont know, is why OFV wont work, i have No clue as to what this key actually does, and why its messing with OFV, but it is, so, you Have to add this key to the excludes to get OFV to work, i dont know if that goes for all monitoring programs or what, but, if i found one wasnt work right, its the first key id try, and, yes, your going: 'Ok, so whats the deal with the '1='?!' Geez, let me get to it,. Kranor wrote:One of the programs i am trying to make portable queries its original installation folder for 22 files. If it cannot find them it quits. How do iset up some kind of redirect?

You may name the application if it's open source mate so one could give it a try This is basically what I do: 01. Install your application the usual way --> Folder named 'App1' 02. I'd copy folder 'App1' to the desktop. Launch JauntePE.exe 04. Click on 'Build Portable' 05. Select 'App1.exe' located in folder 'App1' on the desktop + next 06. Dbz burst limit download.