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Main article: In the run-up of the formed the in order to unite Trentino centrists affiliated with the centre-left into a single political force. In 2000 took the Daisy as an example when he launched (DL) at the national level.

The Daisy Civic List thus became the provincial section of DL. In 2007 DL merged with the in order to form the (PD). After the defeat of the centre-left in Trentino in the, the Daisy was divided among those who wanted to continue on the road toward the consolidation of the regionalist party and those who wanted to establish the provincial section of the PD.

The Daisy thus suffered the separation of the 'Democrats' from the 'regionalists'. Lunelli, supported by Dellai, former senator and eight provincial deputies out of twelve, decided to take part to the foundation of the regionalist party, while senator and deputy chose to join the PD. The new regionalist party, named Union for Trentino, was launched on 7 June, while the provincial PD was established on 8 June with the primary election for the first provincial secretary:. On 15 July, a 35-year-old former, and were elected secretary and president of the UpT, respectively. Dellai's third term as President [ ] In the Dellai was re-elected President of the Province. The UpT gained 17.9% of the vote (making it the coalition's and the region's second largest party) anand six seats, plus Dellai's, in the Provincial Council.

Resident evil umbrella chronicles ps3. In the autumn of 2009 the UpT started playing an active role at the national level. On 11 December Dellai was a founding member of, which emerged mainly as a centrist split from the PD, along with,, and Elvio Ubaldi. Dellai was appointed by Rutelli national coordinator of the new party. While he was increasingly engaged at the national level, Dellai was also active in Trentino and within the framework of the. In an interview, he pressed forward toward a provincial federation with the (PATT) and the local (UdC). This project was called by Dellai the 'Party of Trentino'. Between 2010 and 2010 the UpT was led by, a close ally of Dellai.


In February 2012, during a party congress, Fontana was elected in his place by a large majority. Despite this and the 'silence' by (a former regional minister, convicted for corruption and later acquitted, who had forced Fravezzi's replacement and controlled 40% of the party's membership), the UpT seemed far from being united.

During the congress, the goal of a 'Party of Trentino' was confirmed, but this time the two parties which were invited to merge with the UpT were the PATT and the regional section of the (PD). Playing a role in the national stage [ ] In late December 2012 Dellai resigned from President of Trentino in order to take part to the foundation of (SC), a centrist party led. Dellai was one of the leading figures of the new party and the UpT threw its weight behind him in this effort. In the the UpT formed the core of the SC list for the Chamber of Deputies: the newly formed party won 19.6% in Trentino and Dellai was elected deputy. For the Senate the UpT formed an alliance with the PD and the PATT: the alliance won all three single-seat constituencies of Trentino and UpT's Fravezzi was elected senator in the constituency of.

Dellai became floor leader of SC in the Chamber. In July the party suffered a setback in Trentino as its candidate in the for President of Trentino,, came third after the PATT's and the PD's candidates. The party was thus not able to secure the succession of Dellai. In the provincial election the UpT garnered 13.3% and obtained 5 provincial councillors.

(PT), set up by former UpT bigwig Grisenti, won 9.0%. In April 2014 the outsider defeated, outgoing president and candidate of the party's old guard, to become the party's secretary. At the national level, in November 2013 Dellai left SC and was a founding member of the (PpI), which he subsequently left in July 2014 to form (Demo.S). In the the UpT endorsed, top candidate of the. Dellai [ ] In the run-up of the 2015 municipal election in Trento Dellai launched Democratic Civic Construction (CCD), intended to integrate a larger electorate than that of the UpT alone. The list, which was approved by the provincial board of the party, despite Conzatti's opposition, and could be intended as a move toward an integration of the UpT into the PD, was the third largest in the election.