Software For Box Culvert Design Spreadsheet For Client

Culvert Design: • Calculate the initial trial culvert size for the design of a box culvert. • Calculate the initial trial culvert size for the design of a round shaped culvert. • Calculate the initial trial culvert size for any shape culvert, including culvert shapes other than box and round. • Calculate the headwater depth (HW) for a culvert under inlet control (IC) with a submerged inlet. • Calculate the headwater depth (HW) for a culvert under inlet control (IC) with an unsubmerged inlet. • Calculate the head (H) for a round culvert under outlet control (OC). Dcs a10 warthog simulator. • Calculate the head (H) for an arch pipe culvert under outlet control (OC).

• Calculate the head (H) for square box culvert under outlet control (OC). • Calculate the head (H) for rectangle box culvert under outlet control (OC). • Calculate the head (H) for any culvert with any cross section shape under outlet control (OC). • Calculate the tailwater depth below the top of outlet barrel for a culvert. • Calculate the headwater depth (HW) of a culvert under outlet control (OC). Requires that the head (H) be calculated first by one of the above calculations.

Mar 27, 2013 - Customized microsoft excel book that enables the structural design of precast concrete box culverts. IRise features a unique combination of prototyping and requirements management tools that enables users to create and review high-fidelity prototypes of apps. Static and Dynamic.

• Calculate the outlet velocity of a culvert. • Size a concrete culvert pipe crossing under a county road for the following design conditions: Q = 35 cfs; maximum headwater elevation is 104.6; upstream flowline elevation is 100.1; downstream flowline elevation is 99.7; culvert length is 58 ft and the culvert will project from fill with no headwalls.