Waterworld Movie Costumes

Seriously, I love the concept behind Waterworld. I would love to see a movie about how people survive in a world like that. From the socieities that cling together on the atolls to the loners who sail around all by themselves, trading with each other. But the whole 'road warrior' nonsense that Waterworld has killed it for me.

Where is the ammo coming from? The jet skis and other engines have long since worn out. In a world like that, there would almost be a relgious dedication surrounding material items. Don't dare drop anything.it's gone for good and there's no hope of making more. Everything must be recycled.

Want to steal from someone else? Fine.but you don't do it by blowing half of it into the depths. Anyway, I got to thinking about this again last week when Waterworld was on tv. I really wanted to like it. It's just so terrible. I really like Waterworld. Granted the logic of the movie is practically non existant but still--everytime it's on tv that's usually the channel I'll leave it on.

Lirik lagu the day you went away m2m video I actually like the extended version better because of the extra and extended scenes, however the trade off is the removal of the cursing and a few smoking references ('you're never too young to start'). I guess I always just really liked the character of the Mariner. He always seemed kinda like a cross between Clint Eastwood and Snake Plissken for me. I mean the way he treats the child at the beginning is priceless. And then he just picks her up and throws her overboard with no regard!!

I loved that! You could never do that in a movie today.

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And his boat--man, that was a poor man's version of the Batmobile on water!! But yeah, the movie is heavily flawed but it by no means the 'worst movie ever' as some claim. I enjoy it, just put Spock away and forget the logic of it. Click to expand.Yeah, this.

There's no access to metals, timber, anything. If it wasn't salvaged in the first few weeks or months after the flood, it doesn't exist any more. Same with people; the population is restricted to those few who survived the initial disaster and their descendants. They'd probably actually be way fewer of them than the debris fields could support, at least to begin with.

So if anything the competition would be more along the lines of who can best organise a labour force to establish habitats rather than who's best at going Viking. Like most movies of this type I was more interested in the past of the world in the film and what it must have been like during the flooding and early years after it happened than the actual movie. The novel had a bit more in it and explains a few things in the scene when he takes her to the city ruins that wasn't directly explained but still didn't fulfill my curiosity. I also always wanted to know the story of that submarine that's sitting in the city ruins. That sucker musta been sailing for a long while unless the flooding was sudden. Actually that's my problem with most post apocalyptic movies: the how and why are better than the story taking place. Guess that's why i like the Day After: you get to see events unfold.

Twenty years ago, this magazine made a minor bit of cinematic history. Of all the terrible rumors that were floating around the production of Waterworld—and there were many— Newsweek published the one that most offended its star, Kevin Costner. The actor didn’t mind the press dismissing his film as “Fishtar” and “Kevin’s Gate”; or gossip about an on-set fling with a Hawaiian hula dancer that supposedly broke up his marriage; or reports of a dust-up with director Kevin Reynolds; or the whispers of cost overruns that nearly doubled the original (and huge for the time) $100 million budget, making Waterworld the most expensive film to date. No, what ticked off Costner was the idea that he had demanded that the special effects department add “computer-generated hair” to hide his balding pate. “I was so surprised that it came from Newsweek,” Costner in 1995.