3d Lenticular Software With Crack And Keygen For Bandicam

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New wow bot. By Isaac Cheung Co-founder of ViCGI.com Introduction has become more affordable because of the ever lowering prices of digital printing equipment found in homes and offices. There are many downloadable software products on the market designed for this special form of printing; some free and some for a medium to high price. By and large these products serve one main purpose; i.e. To interlace pictures to be viewed through lenticular sheets. This article tries to demystify the underlying working of interlacing software. By understanding how pictures are interlaced and then combined, you will be able to appreciate the principles of lenticular printing better.

This knowledge will also help you identify with the terminology used in many other software products. Since CS4 Adobe Photoshop Extended has had some simple 3D features through a downloadable plug-in. By Russell Brown is a must read if you are interested in this subject. However, we believe knowing why is just as important as knowing how. Through a real example, we will go through the steps in interlacing a lenticular print without an ad hoc program so you will also understand the 'why' aspect of the task. This is truly a project for you to make real lenticular prints on home computers and printers. Principle of 3D Lenticular Printing A brief review here will help lay the foundation for further discussion.

The principle of 3D lenticular printing is based on. When we view an object, our left and right eyes see a slightly different image and when combined the brain perceives the sense of depth. In traditional printing, information can only go left-and-right and also up-and-down. The in-and-out information is lost.

In order to perceive in-and-out, we need a way to present the same object with a slight binocular disparity as shown in the picture on the right. A lenticular sheet serves exactly that purpose. When a picture behind such sheet is calculatedly sliced in such a way that some stripes will be seen by the left eye and some will be seen by the right eye, our brain will process these images to create the sense of depth. If you are interested in going deeper into the theoretical aspect of this field, you can find good articles in the References section. Requirements Although you can simply read through this article from the beginning to the end and still be able to understand most of it, we do recommend that you go through the steps to create an actual print.


Knowing the nuts and bolts of how an interlacing program works will give you the confidence to make good lenticular prints for your future projects. On top of that, it is fun. The items you need for our tutorial include: • A slider bar for taking pictures along a straight line smoothly. You can purchase a slider bar from. ViCGI.com is not affiliated with this vendor and does not endorse any of their products.