Serial Port Delphi Component Forum

I have a problem with accessing my serial port in Delphi when using the TComPort component. It can not send the data fully, but some data is lost randomly, like this example: 061:1268:-108:16596:-462:239:-75:0.000000:0.000000 061: 061:1240:-84:16616:-425:235:-54:0.000000:0. I don't see how packet mode helps you. Try an approach without packets, make OnRXChar event handler. I assume that your data contains end marker byte $A, no start marker.

Var Accumulator: AnsiString; List: TStringList. //OnCreate List:= TStringList.Create; List.Delimiter:= ':'; //OnDestroy List.Free; procedure XXX.RXChar(Sender: TObject; Count: Integer); var s, DataStr: AnsiString; APos: Integer; begin ComPort.ReadStr(s, Count); Accumulator:= Accumulator + s; APos:= Pos (#$A, Accumulator); if APos > 0 then begin DataStr:= Copy(Accumulator, 1, APos - 1); Delete(Accumulator, 1, APos); Memo1.Lines.Add(DataStr); List.DelimitedText:= DataStr; if List.Count = 10 then TreatListItems; //extract data from List[] end; end.

Shareware 11 Mar 2018 Description The Serial Framework is the Software Developer Kit (SDK) for software developers that provides an easy access to the Serial Ports features on the Windows desktop platforms. Commercial 05 Jul 2006 Description AVSD OEM is a programming interface, which allows you to add support of virtual serial ports to your own application. You have full control over ports created with the help of AVSD OEM, including reading data that some other application has written using WriteFile function, writing data to be read with ReadFile function, flow control signals monitoring and controlling. If you have the software, which works with some device connected to COM port and you want to capture all the data that goes to and from the port, then AVSD OEM is what you need. Just create one virtual port and tell the application to use it.

Now you can monitor all data that application writes to the port and redirect it to the real COM port. And vice versa, you monitor all data coming from device and redirect it to the virtual port. With AVSD OEM you can: • Create your_protocol-to-serial abstraction. • Create virtual platform and emulator plugins. • Create usb2serial, bluetooth2serial, IrDa2serial adapters. Informations • Status: Evaluation (time-limit) • Source: N/A • price: $472 • Size: 520kB Platforms: C2k6, CB6, D2005, D2006, D7. Freeware + source 09 Jun 2000 Description COM I/O component.

Aug 19, 2015 - One would direct me to a component for communication with serial port. In industrial robotic standards, to find a job as I did by past on delphi. ZylSerialPort is a Delphi & C++Builder thread based serial port component. Use ZylSerialPort component to easily communicate with external devices on serial port connection, such as modems, bar code readers, GSM modules and others. It works in synchronous and asynchronous mode.

Supports any COM port (by name), any baud rate (just enter the baud rate value), software and hardware flow control, synchronous and asynchronous RX. Mediafire serge gainsbourg jewish. Simple TTY terminal included (good programming example to start your projects from). Comes with an help file (in English) which is Open Help compatible: this means Delphi can use it at design time just like other standard help files (API, VCL, etc). Now fully compatible with WinNT/2000. Informations • Status: Fully functional • Source: Included • Size: 89kB Platforms: D4. Shareware Update 16 Dec 2018 Description Delphi and C++ Builder component for serial communication. Provides communication with devices connected to serial port.

Uses multithreading and overlapping for maximum performance. Shareware New 19 Dec 2018 Description Delphi and C++ Builder communication library for FTDI FT311D and FT312D devices for Android. • supports the complete FT311D/FT312D functionality • no special root access privileges needed • available for Delphi/C++ Builder XE6 - 10.3 • source code included in registered version • royalty free distribution in applications Informations • Status: With Nag-Screen • Source: On purchase/registration • price: $80 • Size: 1 276kB Platforms: CBXE6, CBXE7, CBXE8, CX, CX.1, CX.2, CX.3, DX, DX.1, DX.2, DX.3, DXE6, DXE7, DXE8. Shareware New 19 Dec 2018 Description Delphi and C++ Builder serial communication library for FTDI devices for Android.