Software Serial Esp8266 Lua Loader

Fortunately, Espressif made a Software Development Kit (SDK) available. The USB to Serial UART module included on the NodeMCU Development. In the Arduino UNO, then it's possible to write custom firmware and load it on the chip. When you have uploaded both programs, security.lua and init.lua, to flash, reset the ESP8266 with the reset button and your sensor should boot up and be working. You should connect to it with an appropriate serial device (FTDI friend, console cable, or USB cable depending on your ESP8266 board) and a terminal program like CoolTerm, then press.

EspSoftwareSerial Implementation of the Arduino software serial library for the ESP8266 Same functionality as the corresponding AVR library but several instances can be active at the same time. Speed up to 115200 baud is supported. The constructor also has an optional input buffer size.

Software Serial Esp8266 Lua Loader

Please note that due to the fact that the ESP always have other activities ongoing, there will be some inexactness in interrupt timings. This may lead to bit errors when having heavy data traffic in high baud rates.

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