Template Rsyslogd

Templates modify and format output generated by rsyslog. They allow to specify any format a user might want. They are also used for dynamic file name generation. The following is the syntax to create a template.

Description Templates are a key feature of rsyslog. They allow to specify any format a user might want. They are also used for dynamic file name generation. Every output in rsyslog uses templates - this holds true for files, user messages and so on. The database writer expects its template to be a proper SQL statement - so this is highly customizable too.

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You might ask how does all of this work when no templates at all are specified. Good question;). The answer is simple, though. Templates are compatible with the stock syslogd formats which are hardcoded into rsyslogd. So if no template is specified, we use one of those hardcoded templates.

Search for “template_” in rsconf.c and you will find the hardcoded ones. Templates are specified by template() statements. They can also be specified via $template legacy statements. List In this case, the template is generated by a list of constant and variable statements.

These follow the template spec in curly braces. This type is also primarily meant for use with structure-aware outputs, like ommongodb. However, it also works perfectly with text-based outputs. We recommend to use this mode if more complex property substitutions need to be done.

In that case, the list-based template syntax is much clearer than the simple string-based one. The list template contains the template header (with type=”list”) and is followed by constant and property statements, given in curly braces to signify the template statement they belong to. As the name says, constant statements describe constant text and property describes property access. There are many options to property, described further below. Most of these options are used to extract only partial property contents or to modify the text obtained (like to change its case to upper or lower case, only).

To grasp the idea, an actual sample is. Property statement This statement is used to include property text. It can access all properties.

Also, options permit to specify picking only part of a property or modifying it. It supports the following parameters: • name - the name of the property to access • outname - output field name (for structured outputs) • dateformat - Date format to use (only for date-related properties). You can find a list of all property options. TODO: right now, the property replacer documentation contains property format options for string templates, only. The formats for non-string templates differ.

For example, date format options in string templates start with “date-” whereas those in property statements do not (e.g. “date-year” vs. Just “year”). The technical reason behind this is that inside string templates, the option must include what it applies to whereas with the explicit format that is part of the parameter name. To create a customised format you can use multiple property options together. The following example would result in YYYY-MM-DD.

Property(name='timereported' dateformat='year') constant(value='-') property(name='timereported' dateformat='month') constant(value='-') property(name='timereported' dateformat='day') • date.inUTC - date shall be shown in UTC (please note that this requires a bit more performance due to the necessary conversions) Available since 8.18.0. • caseconversion - permits to convert case of the text. Supported values are “lower” and “upper” • controlcharacters - specifies how to handle control characters. Supported values are “escape”, which escapes them, “space”, which replaces them by a single space, and “drop”, which simply removes them from the string.

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