Arduino Xbee Wifi Web Server

Simple Web Server WiFi. This example will print the IP address of your WiFi Shield 101 or MKR1000 board (once connected) to the Arduino Software (IDE) Serial Monitor. Once you know the IP address of our board, you can open that address in a web browser to turn on and off the LED on pin 9. If the IP address of your shield/board is yourAddress. I would like to know whether if I implemented the internal connection between 2 device (Raspberry Pi to Arduino using XBEE), is it possible in the same time to enable Raspberry PI as Web Server tha.

Arduino Xbee Wifi Web Server

As the title states, I am attempting to send data to my server and receive data as well. My first step I want to accomplish is receiving data from the web. I have already set my router up and set my XBee in transparent mode. I am not really sure where to start On my remote server, I have written a PHP script that sends text to the specified IP address and port. I know this code works as it works on my spinneret.

I have since changed the router to direct the same traffic to my XBee Module on a battery powered board. The Xbee is connecting to the network as I can ping it. That is about as far as I have gotten. Any help is appreciated! Processor I am using is the Prop. Yes, I have it installed and have been using it to try to change settings to see if I can get this to do anything. Been online researching for hours with no luck Looks like most of the projects I am running across are 1 XBee to another across a network or the web.

Not finding anything on talking with a remote server. Maybe I need to open a port (2616) on my server and see if that will work. I found this and maybe it will help? This is kind of similar to what I am trying to accomplish.: It is late and I need sleep. Will attack this again when I wake up. Ok, here we go.

Using Parallax Xbee USB module to communicate / program XBee S6B wifi module. Newest version of XCTU V6.1.2 Remote shared hosting Server port 2616 is open as TCP/UDP. Opened it for testing. Maybe I can just use port 80? Router set to forward requests of port 236 to port 2616 of IP address On my remote server, I have logged in through SSH and run 'nc -l 2616' then run Telnet from my PC to communicate with that port. It worked perfectly. I am able to ping on my home network.

Applocale windows 7 x64 requirements. Changing locale means restarting the computer, that’s why this program exists by emulating a locale without the need of restarting computer.

This is about as far as I have gotten. I cannot seem to get the XBee module to communicate with my web server. Any output of the Xbee, I would think, would be sent to port 2616 of my server and it should have been displayed on the Putty screen when running the NC command. So after hours and hours of testing, I have finally gotten somewhere The socket server code was only accepting connections and not echoing it to the other clients.

Got that fixed and now I am having a few strange issues. I have attached my project to show my code, but testing it would probably be pretty difficult without the same circuit setup I have. The problem I am having is the move_EW_flag and move_UD_flag not working correctly 100% of the time. I believe this problem lies somewhere in the controlMovement section or ProcessData section. What is happening is I press 'RIGHT', 'STOP', or 'LEFT' on my HTML / PHP script and it sends text to the socket server which the XBee receives and sends it to the Prop for parsing. This is done in the ProcessData section.

This appears to work correctly as the 'last_data' variable is displayed in the PST which shows the data was received correctly even with it glitches. Since controlMovement is running in it's own COG, I set flags in the ProcessData section which should be picked up in the controlMovement section and processed accordingly. This works most of the time, but sometimes it does not.even when the 'last_data' shows correct information and the returned string to the socket server is correct according to the command that should have been run. For example: Flow process = 1: Click 'RIGHT' on HTML form 2: String 'Received:COMMAND:2:END' gets sent to socket server 3: Socket Server echos data to XBee 4: XBee receives data and the PROP receives then processes it through the PUB ProcessData. 5: If the string contains 'COMMAND:', the next characters are stored as the 'command' variable in the Prop.

6: Since 'RIGHT' is command 2, case #2 is selected and the flag 'move_EW_flag' is set to 2. 7: The PROP sends data to the XBee to send to the socket verifying data was received successfully. In this case 'Moving Right.' 8: The controlMovement COG should pick up the change to the flag 'move_EW_flag' and process the change (Right here is where it fails 50% of the time) Hope this is not too confusing!

Did you have anything connected to the RX and TX of the Xbee besides the prop? Pull up / down resistors? I also noticed that you were doing a 'direct' connection between 2 XBee's instead of having a socket server between them. I have tried to get PHP to directly communicate with my PHP form, but I just can't seem to figure it out. I though you could connect to the XBee via connecting directly to the Source Port via TCP / UDP connection. Maybe I am doing something wrong? Nothing else connected to those pins.