Lego Machine Gun Instructions

Instructions for my MP5 submachine gun that shoots LEGO pins and ejects cartridges. Also has a retractable stock and other features. About this creation. Ok, after so many people asked for instructions on my MP5 submachine gun, I decided to take it apart and rebuild it in several steps while taking pictures of every step.

NXT Machine Gun Fun Projects for your LEGO ® MINDSTORMS ® NXT! Machine Gun:: This 'fully automatic' rapid-fire machine gun fires small LEGO beams from a magazine that can store up to 15 'bullets'. You can hold the gun in both hands or set it down flat on the floor or other flat surface. Hold the trigger button down and it will unload all 15 rounds in about 1 second!

Stop-action photography shows one round in the air and the next one just being launched. Hold the trigger down and the pieces fly out one after the other. Be careful where you aim, it is easy to lose pieces! Copyright © 2007-2011 by Dave Parker. All rights reserved. All project designs, images, and programs are protected by copyright.

Please see the.

Remote Controlled Gun I need one of for my front door. I can see who is there and get rid of them if I don’t want to talk to them.

“The entire unit is controlled via remote control from the IR port on the computer using RCX Test Panel, a Macintosh program created by John Woodward and Dave Baum that allows the user to manually control the motor outputs. There are two motor outputs–one rotates the turntable, and the other motor controls the trigger of the rubberband gun that sits above the camera.” 3. Eagle MK3 Here is a that looks like it can pack a punch!

“Because of the natural length of the Desert Eagle the Rubber Eagle has a good range and is fairly accurate. The trigger mechanism is very simple. The trigger releases a toothed wheel and this wheel releases the rubberband. Unfortunately I was not able to build a mechanism that was able to fire more than one shot in a row like the commercial rubberband guns. If you know of a simple mechanism that can be build with standard LEGO bricks and old LEGO Technic pieces feel free to help me out.” 4. Machine Gun This is a nice complex. “This is the best view of the mechanism.

The crank is turned clockwise. This causes the large gear on the left to turn counterclockwise, and the small pinion engaged with the rack on the bolt to also turn counterclockwise. The pinion pushes the bolt back, stretching the rubber band. The gun is fired by the lever on the very left ‘falling’ into one of the gaps between the little rivet-like legos stuck in the gear (there’s two positions around the circumference without a piece in them).

When the lever is able to fall back, it pulls the lever on the front back, and disengages the pinion that pulls the rack. The rack is then rapidly pulled back by the rubber band, ejecting the projectile out the back on the left.

Rapid Fire See the step by step instruction to build. Windows snmp agent. “I pretty much use the rubber band gun for shooting flies.

I had modified a toy gun I had by taping a couple of pencils to the barrel to extend it to be much longer. The normal length of the barrel was much to short to shoot a rubber band with any kind of force. Unfortunately, I lost that gun.”.

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For the first one I could not find any more details. By the way if you come across more details please let me know and I will add it.

• Caleb Says: im working on the instructions for something like number 3 its pretty simple • Says: I made one a lot like number one. I didn’t document instructions or anything, but i made an LDraw model.

That way you can take it apart brick by brick to see the inner workings and probably build one. • Neil Says: I just finished a LEGO mindstorms NXT rubberband launcher. Yaesu ft 736r transceiver. Too bad it can only shoot 2 rubberbands compared to Sebastian Dick’s Ultimate Rubberband Gun thing, which can shoot approximately 64 shots • sam Says: thats cool i wish i had 1 • Oliver Says: Thanx eric I built one similar 2 your plans, except mine has a short barrel cuz I `ve only got small rubber bands. The mechanism workz really well, but i`ve tweaked the trigger a little 2 suit my hands Overall a great gun, I love it.